[Project] HABISSE: this wonderful project ends on the Picardy and Opal Sea estuaries!
Started in autumn 2020, CREOCEAN, GEMEL and the Laboratoire d'Océanologie et de Géosciences (LOG) teams have just concluded the sampling of the 250 stations involved in the HABISSE project ("Habitats Benthiques Intertidaux Sensibles").
Developed by the Park with the technical and financial support of Life Marha (action for the evaluation and conservation of marine habitats),
this 2-year project aims to improve knowledge of intertidal,
sandy and muddy sedimentary habitats (1130, 1140) and to
promote sustainable management of intertidal areas on the
scale of the Picardy Estuaries and Opal Sea Marine Natural Park coastline.
Several hours on foot and on board were necessary to carry out this inventory on the entire coastline from Le Tréport to Ambleteuse, and in the three beautiful bays of the Canche, the Authie and the Somme!
The laboratory operations have already begun. All the results will be used to draw up a map of habitats on the scale of the Park and to establish an inventory of chemical and organic contamination.
We are grateful to all the teams of the PNM EPMO, GEMEL, LOG as well as the crews of the Celtic Warrior and CREOCEAN !
Meilleurs vœux 2025
Créocéan,Créocéan Océan Indien
Nous accueillons Fabrice Loher, ministre de la Pêche, sur notre stand au salon de la biodiversité !
Sensibilisation à la protection des récifs coralliens à Djibouti